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Why does water hammer affect pressure gauges and transmitters?
Aug 28,2020
Water hammer is a high pressure surge or wave created by the kinetic energy of moving fluid when it is rapidly forced to stop or change direction, altering the liquid’s velocity. Rapid stopping or starting or changing of direction of an in compressible fluid like water or oil in a system is caused by a variety of valves or pumps.

Myth: A pressure spike cannot exceed the normal pressure in the system.

Fact: Pressure spikes can reach up to eight times the system pressure.

Even though pressure spikes may only last milliseconds, the potential damage is lasting. One of the main concerns of hydraulic and other system designers is how to eliminate or minimize water hammer. Methods and formulas for calculating water hammer pressures are freely available online.

Pressure gauges and transmitters fitted to measure normal line pressure at the receiving end of these ‘pressure spikes’ are often irreparably damaged if not suitably protected.

Why does water hammer affect pressure gauges and transmitters?
Pressure gauges and transmitters are designed to measure pressures up to the full scale value of the instrument. For short periods, these instruments may accept an over-pressure of a percentage of the rated full scale pressure, without permanent damage.

The measuring sensor of pressure gauges (bourdon tube), and transmitters (diaphragm), are normally manufactured from a flexible elastomeric type material to ensure accuracy and repeat ability.

Good quality pressure gauge bourdon tubes are designed, manufactured and tested to withstand (for short periods) up to 1,3 times the rated pressure in the case of normal pressure gauges (up to 5 times more in the case of some diaphragm operated pressure gauges that do not use bourdon tubes, but with a limited range of max 2500 kPa) without permanent damage to the instrument. Most pressure transmitters can, for short periods, withstand 1,5 to 2 times the rated full scale value without permanent damage. Pressure spikes exceeding these limits can cause the elastomeric sensors to deform permanently, rendering them unable to return to zero. Accuracy and repeatability may be affected and in extreme cases, rupturing of the sensor may occur.

Gauges are sometimes returned to the manufacturer for investigation, completely over-pressured and often with a ruptured bourdon tube. Once informed of the gauge’s condition, we often hear, “But how can it be possible? It is a 1000 kPa gauge and the pump can generate a maximum of 600 kPa.” Water hammer is the most likely cause of damage in such a scenario.

Protecting pressure gauges and transmitters against water hammer

The progression of the water hammer shockwave needs to be detained and slowed before reaching the instrument sensor. SA Gauge manufactures several such devices in order to achieve this. The most common and economical, is a simple threaded snubbing screw that screws into the process connection of the gauge, restricting the pressure port to minimise flow into the gauge. In severe cases, a length of small bore capillary tube is attached to the snubber to increase the effectiveness. Other devices like external adjustable flow restrictors, piston type snubbers and needle valves are also available to choke the offending pressure surge to an acceptable level.

It is important to note that these devices will not protect the instruments against sustained over pressure, which will still damage the instruments. An over pressure protector will be required in these cases.