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A Beginner’s Guide for Installation of Thermowell
Apr 26,2022
Thermowells play an important role in industrial processes. These are cylindrical tubes used to protect thermal equipment, such as temperature sensors, from direct contact with liquids. Because temperature is an important factor in industrial processes, the protection of temperature sensors ensures the stability of the heating system and the required temperature measurement. However, these devices can only help if they are installed correctly. If you do not know how to install it, then this post is for you. This paper provides detailed instructions for installing one or more sumps in industrial systems and important considerations that apply to them.

Thermowell installation instructions
Thermowell installation is a calculated and accurate procedure. This requires a suitable selection of wells, calculation of penetration depth / immersion length, selection of mounting methods and shield installation. We will discuss all three steps in detail.

1. Immersion length calculation: Thermowells are installed in the piping as liquid vessels of an industrial liquid handling system. It is important to immerse these devices at the correct depth in test tubes or containers to protect the very sensitive area of ​​the temperature sensor. As such, temperature sensors are inserted in these protective devices, so it is necessary to consider the depth of insertion of the sensors.

The immersion length can be calculated using the following general rules.

The length of a Thermowell dive depends on the diameter of the pipes or vessels. Depending on the groove rule, the sump must be inserted to 1/3 or 2/3 of the liquid flow depth.

The temperature sensor range should be less than 1-2 'of the total well length. This means that the well should be 1-2 eger higher than the sensor probe, but should reveal the temperature sensing area for the measurement.

2. Select the correct mounting method: Thermowells can be mounted in three different ways. Choose one of the following mounting methods based on the requirements of the application.

90 ° piping: This type of mounting is suitable for mounting many sumps in series. The fittings are attached directly to the pipe without touching the end of the distal wall of the pipe.

45 ° to the pipe: This type of fastening is suitable for the installation of sumps in the peripheral area of ​​the pipe. The angle between the two devices remains 45 °. In the elbow: The elbows are exposed to temperature and pressure fluctuations in the fluid transfer system. Thermowell temperature sensors are installed on these elbows. These devices can be installed before or after the current.

Shield installation: Thermowells must be protected by a shield to prevent incorrect temperature measurement. Sensors often measure temperature changes, although the fluid temperature may vary from wall to sensor, causing incorrect temperature measurements. The shield is therefore located between the walls of the sensor tube.

Important instructions to consider when installing a thermowell

The following factors must be considered when performing a Thermowell installation.

Perform the installation based on the type of liquid, ie liquid or gas.
Consider parameters other than temperature, such as pressure, fluid velocity, etc. Measure the distance between the sensor and the pipe fitting.